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The Role of Customised Mentorship Programs of MBA Business Analytics Colleges

Academic excellence, practical experience, and proper guidance shape the future and career prospects of students. Typically, the MBA business analytics colleges today focus on all of them to ensure the academic journey of the students moves in the right direction.

Customised mentorship ensures proper supervision of students’ progress. This helps in identifying the weaknesses in students that may deter them from achieving their career objectives and work accordingly for their remediation.

This further helps in creating a strategic roadmap to guide the students and make them ready to perform responsible roles due to their refined business analytics skills.

Tips and advice offered

Professional mentors provide valuable tips and advice to students on different tools and technologies to use for precise business analyses. They learn how to handle large sets of business data and find effective solutions to the current problems.

In addition, the experienced faculty of the Bangalore private university provides suggestions on different certifications students can pursue to gain more knowledge and add more value to their resume.

Add to that, they also help the students a great deal in developing specific technical skills required in their favoured domain of business analytics.

Overall, personalised mentorship helps students follow the right track to ensure professional and personal success and growth. It also helps monitor their progress and make necessary changes in the learning strategies for better results.

Awareness of real-world challenges

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Such mentorship makes students familiar with the business challenges in the real world. They learn the proven ways to overcome these challenges by leveraging their practical experience and combining it with their refined theoretical knowledge.

This helps them proven and data-driven business strategies. Furthermore, proper guidance by the mentors in live projects and internships enables them to make the right decisions at the right time, thereby increasing their effectiveness and usability.

Several real-world case studies also help students refine their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. This promotes adaptability, allowing the students to use different methods and tools as applicable to the specific real-world scenario.


In conclusion, personalised mentorship promotes interaction and fortifies the relationship between the student and mentors. It widens and polishes their learning. This facilitates a better understanding of business analytics and performs different roles in a dynamic business setting.

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